98 - aiming for 121

I'm into crocheting now. I'm making an honest try at finishing the project that I have written about twice before, "37 and counting" and Hekleruter. My aim is to make a throw for my sofa. My brown-beige sofa in my living room in Trondheim. I think I need 121 crocheted squares - arranged in a 11 by 11 square. I'll sit comfortably in my sofa with my crocheted throw over my legs. I'll not be cold. Not at all.

I have sorted my squares into two groups: the brown-beige group and the coloured (mostly blue, purple, pink) group. The plan is to have about equal size of both groups and then arrange the squares alternating between the two groups. I have started - first making rows of 11 squares and then crocheting the rows together. I'm working on row 5 - and my throw is now 11 time 5 squares. I'm using black as the binding colour - trying to mimic the field of a stained glass window (yes, according to the pattern, not my brilliant idea).

The patterns is here: Drops pattern (choose other language if needed).

The coloured squares

The brown-beige squares

Crocheting in Kings Park - working on 33.

4 of the rows - aiming for 11 rows


Hege LH sa…
Lovely!! ;-)

Jeg må snart få heklet sammen mine ruter også... hvilken teknikk har du brukt for å hekle sammen??

Klem Hege
Mette sa…
Hei Hege, jeg har fulgt oppskriften -se lenke over.
Legg to ruter vrangt mot vrangt - og hekle disse to samme (i hver maske fra siste omgang), ved at du tar
en fastmaske i rute A en luftmaske, en fastmaske i rute B, en luftmaske, en fastmastke i rute A, ...
Jeg skulle ha strukket to fra hverandre så du kunne
sett at det blir som en sikk-sakk-søm mellom rutene.
Jeg tenkte på annet enn sort (brunt f.eks) men endte opp med sort - og da blir det jo glassmaleri - og det er jo fint!

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