Stitch-in in the Dandenongs!

I'm staying in Melbourne, Australia, for 7 months - September 2008-April 2009, and last friday October 10 I took the time off from work to join a Stitch-in with Leanne Beasley and Rosalie Quinlan in the Dandenongs. It was really fantastic! The venue was the Glen Harrow Gardens, and we were in the "Smugglers rest" - picturesque! Leanne and Rosalie had colored the inside with quilts, sticheries and flowers. We were served lovely gourmet cooking - I still remember the chicken dish with lemon and coriander - and the great variety of cakes. So this was the setting for the stitch-in. When we arrived we all got a goodiebag - with one stichery pattern from Leanne and one from Rosalie, all of us chose to work with one of the two patterns - while Leanne and Rosalie helped us all with useful advice. We also got gifts! A small bag from yazzii with room for needles, tread and sissors - and the current stitchery project. There was also a raffle - with beautiful prizes - and I won a set of stichery cards designed by Rosalie! Leanne and Rosalie sold models from their previous books and patterns- and I am now the owner of a beautiful quilted tote bag made by Rosalie. Leanne and Rosalie also sold patterns and books, and of cause I had to buy Rosalies last book "Gift" and a pattern from each of the designers. All the money from the sales went to an AIDS project in Cambodia. I had a great time - and got to know many very nice quilters. The women at my table (Debbie, Lisa, Mary, Jan and Meri) took great care of me - helping me to dechifre the Australian language and everyday life! Thanks, girls :-) - and thanks to Leanne, Rosalie and Nel for arranging such a perfect stitch-in! You can find more pictures by going to my PBase page.


Lisar sa…
Hi Mette...thanks for your comment on my was so lovely to meet you and get to know you on Friday...wasn't it just the most wonderful day? Your photo's have turned out very well...I do hope we can catch up sometime again...hope you have a good week..Lisa
Sølvis blog sa…
So nice to hear from you Mette, and how wonderful to be part of such a quilting day.

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